Mental/Spiritual Resources

A great tool for Bible reading.  You can pick your version and choose one of many Bible reading plans from the easy to extra challenging.  And you can journal, highlight and interact with others if you'd like!


Another tool to study the Bible online! There are different version, devotionals, and supplements all in one place.


What to get a healthy mind?  Money plays a huge role in our mental health and this is a tool that can get you back on track with your money and your mind.  Go to to find out how you can regain control.


Cornerstone Christian Counseling is a great place to find someone to discuss life's issues with.  Go to and check it out. 

Services Offered:
-  Depressions Counseling
-  Anxiety Counseling
-  Child and Adult Therapy
-  Marriage and Family Counseling
-  Emotional Intelligence Coaching
-  Pornography Addiction